Update regarding the use of masks at St Aloysius College

Apr 20, 2022



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Below please find our letters regarding the use of masks at St Aloysius College:

Dear members of staff, parents/guardians, and students,

Throughout the pandemic, our College has always taken the necessary precautions to safeguard everyone’s health and ensure the continuation of our students’ education. We would like to thank you for this.

We would like to enter a new phase of normality without masks and social distancing just as everyone else wishes to.

However, after reflecting carefully about the current situation, we feel it is still not the right time to stop the use of masks in our schools. Therefore, for the moment, we would like to remind you that the use of masks will remain obligatory in our classrooms and common areas. They can, however, be removed during break and playtime when students are outside.

We have taken this decision to continue safeguarding our health and mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our schools. In this way we can ensure that teaching and learning will continue to take place.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Fr Jimmy and the Council of Heads


Għeżież membri tal-istaff, ġenituri u studenti,

Tul il-perjodu tal-pandemija, il-Kulleġġ dejjem ħa l-miżuri meħtieġa biex nieħdu ħsieb is-saħħa ta’ kulħadd u biex it-tagħlim ikompli jingħata. Ta’ dan nirringrazzjawkom ħafna.

Bħal kulħadd, aħna nixtiequ li noħorġu minn din il-fażi biex ngħixu ħajja normali mingħajr maskri u distanzi soċjali.

Wara li rriflettejna fuq is-sitwazzjoni attwali nħossu li għadu mhux il-waqt li nneħħu kompletament l-użu tal-maskri mill-iskejjel tagħna. Għaldaqstant nixtiequ ninfurmawkom li għalissa, l-użu tal-maskri jibqa’ obbligatorju fil-klassijiet u l-postijiet komuni. Waqt il-brejk u waqt il-logħob nistgħu inneħħuhom meta l-istudenti jkunu barra.

Qed nieħdu din id-deċiżjoni biex nibqgħu nibżgħu għal saħħet xulxin u biex ma jinxteridx il-virus tal-COVID-19 fl-iskejjel tagħna. Hekk nistgħu niżguraw li t-tagħlim jibqa’ għaddej b’mod regolari.

Grazzi tal-kooperazzjoni tagħkom.

Fr Jimmy u l-Kapijiet tal-Iskejjel.


Communications Officer Administrator
Communications Officer - St Aloysius College Malta

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