UPDATE: Sixth Form Booklists now available
** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT Advanced Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-advanced-level-nopricing...
Rank order for Sixth Form applicants published
Please find the rank order of all applicants into Sixth Form for 2024. Find the rank order for Aloysians and Staff here. Find the rank order for Other Applicants here. The list is presented in reference number sequence and not according to course. The waiting list...
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed. No further applications will be accepted. We will keep you posted once the rank order is published.
Online registration for sixth form opens between 26 – 28 August
The Online Registrations for St Aloysius Sixth Form will be available online between Monday 26 August and Wednesday 28 August till noon. No applications will be accepted after the closing date and time. For further information you can phone 22793358 or...
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