Jesuit Education

A Jesuit education promotes the integration of the social, intellectual, spiritual, and affective dimensions of each student.
It urges students to reflect deeply on who they are and how they want to live their lives. While inviting each individual to be immersed in the world, it promotes engagement with the complex problems in today’s society.
Based on the profound belief that God can be found in all things, especially in the search for truth and meaning, students are invited to use their talents and strengths to respond to the needs and opportunities within our society through extensive formation, to realise their potential and become men and women for others.
St Aloysius College is a member of the Foundation for Jesuit Education.
What makes a Jesuit school distinctive?
Saint Ignatius Loyola, the 16th century founder of the Society of Jesus and Jesuit schools, envisaged that Jesuit education should be about “improvement in living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common good.”
When the Jesuits launched their first school in 1548, they believed that a high-quality education is the best way to help students live a life of leadership and service, with the potential to change society.
Jesuit schools are also places committed to outstanding formation of character, wanting their pupils to develop into well-educated adults who will live good and virtuous lives.
In partnership with parents, students will make the most of their God-given gifts and use their education as ‘men and women for others’ to make the world a better place, especially for the least well off and most socially marginalized.
Jesuit education has at its core the principle of cura personalis – care for each person so that they may flourish academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Jesuit schools strive to offer an excellent intellectual formation through outstanding teaching together with a rich offering of extra-curricular activities, so that as many as possible of each child’s interests, gifts and talents are developed.
Underlying teaching and learning in a Jesuit school is outstanding pastoral care – teachers and support staff get to know children very well and step in with challenge, encouragement and support in the ups and downs of growing up.
Spiritual formation is an important part of Jesuit education, giving pupils the opportunity to encounter God in prayer, reflection and worship, in study of the Catholic Christian faith and other faiths, and in the service of others.
Through links with Jesuit schools and institutions around the world, we encourage our pupils to have outward looking horizons and perspectives, exploring what it is like to live in very different circumstances and cultures, close to home and on the other side of the planet.
'Educate Magis'
‘Educate Magis’ is the website for the global community of Jesuit and Ignatian educators. It contains a wealth of resources for Jesuit education, spirituality and formation.
Quicklinks to key documents on Jesuit education:
- A Living Tradition – 2019
- Jesedu – The Rio Papers – 2017
- Ratio Studiorum – 1599