Safeguarding our College Environment

St Aloysius College is committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for all
Our Schools, Sixth Form, and Sports Complex are committed to promoting and guaranteeing environments free from any form of abuse: sexual, physical, psychological or emotional.
This is one of the most important characteristics of a Jesuit institution.
We are following two important guidelines:
1. Regarding cases of Sexual Abuse in pastoral activity:
Statement of Policy and procedures in cases of Sexual abuse issued by the Maltese Ecclesiastical Province in 2014, as well as;
2. Safeguarding Children in Our Schools: Guidelines and Procedures, which was issued in May 2019.
Both documents will be updated in the coming months.
We are constantly supported by the Safeguarding Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta, and seek their professional advice when required.
All members of staff, as well as the Senior Leadership teams, are constantly receiving training in safeguarding.
We continue to work towards instilling respectful ways of relating to others, identifying inappropriate behaviour, and providing guidance on how to confront abusive people and situations.
Designated safeguarding officers of our schools:
Ms Helena Sammut (Primary School –, Ms Sue Pace (Secondary School and coordinator of safeguarding – and Ms Sue Mohnani (Sixth Form – are the three designated safeguarding officers of our schools. Please contact them for any queries regarding safeguarding.
Highlights of an International Conference attended by our College’s Safeguarding Team
From Tuesday 1st March – Friday 4th March, our College’s Safeguarding team attended the international conference Protecting the minors in our schools – preventing & responding to sexualized violence, organised in cooperation with JECSE (Jesuit European Committee for Primary & Secondary Education) & ZIP (Centre for Ignatian Pedagogy).