The Chaplaincy at our Primary School

True to our motto at St Aloysius College, ‘men and women for and with others’, our Primary School strives to nurture a caring heart in each of our pupils.
The Primary School Chaplaincy is responsible for the spiritual formation of the school community. It organises programmes addressed specifically for students and staff during the whole scholastic year. Parents too are addressed in one-off initiatives.
With the goal of fostering the Ignatian ethos of the school amongst parents, students and staff, the school chooses a particular theme each scholastic year, which guides the general chaplaincy activity.
The Lay Chaplain, Mr Anthony Mifsud, works together with a team of staff members who together dream up and implement the chaplaincy programme, with the help of all the school staff.
The Chaplaincy is responsible for:
- Assemblies
- Liturgies – Weekly Mass for children, other school liturgies and Confession
- Ezercizzi/Retreats during Lent
- Spirituality sessions in older classes
- Holy Communion preparation programme for Prep 2s
- Involvement in Concerts
- Organisation of activities and initiatives that foster a sense of community and social awareness
Formation opportunities for staff include:
- Tailored workshops
- Weekly moments of prayer
- Retreats
Visit our Primary Chaplaincy YouTube Channel
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Discover this Year’s Theme
Every year, the primary school staff and students are involved in a week of activities, revolving around the importance of reaching out to others.
This year’s theme is ‘Bridges of Peace’. The concept comprises a more inclusive and caring approach to the people around us.
Following last year’s ‘Journeying Together’ theme, we will be reinforcing the idea of the care of the individual; ensuring that everyone is part of the community and no one is left behind.
Caring for others is also linked to the care of the earth, and as a consequence, so is caring for the poor.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Last year’s theme: ‘We Care Week’
Read the article
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The ‘Alive Team’
The Alive Team is a group of students with a representative from each class in Prep 3-6.
Their main role is that of bringing ‘alive’ the spirit of the Chaplaincy initiatives, particularly the theme of the year. This is done through meetings during which they learn more about the particular value in focus, as they journey together with Christ. From these meetings, a concrete commitment to bring the value alive in the school emerges.
The team also gives support by proposing ideas which, together with input from the Chaplaincy Team, become the basis of the Chaplaincy initiatives.
Comments from the ‘Alive Team’:
“I like to be part of the team because I made new friends and have been closer to the teachers in the group and it’s nice to be closer to Jesus.” – Sam
“I like being part of the Alive Team because I can participate and give my opinion about what is discussed.” – Isaac
“Alive Team made me feel more confident and motivated, feeling part of a small but strong community.” – Neil
“I would like to say that the Alive Team a wonderful experience, I enjoyed the journey and it is a very nice community.” – Mark
“From the Alive Team I learned more about the importance of taking care of our friends and praying everyday.” – Damian
“Journeying together through different situations in life keeps us all spiritually and physically Alive”. – Isaac
“We all need Jesus in our lives to guide us and protect us.” – Zion
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Eucharistic Youth Movement
The Eucharistic Youth Movement (EYM) is an international Church Movement for the Christian formation of children and young people from 5 to 25. It seeks to teach them to live in Jesus’ way, by guiding them into a loving, ‘heart to heart’ relationship with him, based on a Eucharistic spirituality. It prepares them to live as Christian adults, committed to serving their brothers and sisters in an unjust and secularised world.
With the Eucharist at the centre of our lives, we see the world as the place where we find God, and where we make ourselves available to him. Present in around 50 countries in all five continents, the EYM is structured on clear lines of action, stages of Christian growth and a central national coordination.
At St Aloysius College Primary School, young people meet up every Friday after school to delve into activities which strengthen their community spirit, deepens their unity with Christ in the Eucharist, and are prepared to be sent forth on a mission to share the good news of this life together and with him, through experiencing:
• community in a team, meetings, songs, and so on;
• opportunities for relaxing, talking about their experiences and actions, and meditating;
… all with the aim to help them grow, and guide them in their life choices.
At present, these are the communities at College:
Young Stars: Prep 4 – Prep 6
Fire Friends: Form 1 – Form 3
Journey Companions: Form 4 – Form 5
Journey Companions Animators: 6th Form
In all the activities, the adult team leaders will teach and model the values and skills necessary to develop new and positive relationships with God and fellow members, resolve conflicts peacefully, and empower students to use their strengths and discover new talents to be men with and for others.