Sale of Oranges and Fresh Orange Juice at the Secondary School

Jan 19, 2021




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With the cooperation of the Jesuit Community, the Secondary School will be organising orange picking sessions in the Jesuits’ orchard, and will be selling bags of oranges (to take home) for the cost of €2 per bag, as well as a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice at school for the cost of €1 per glass (approximately 250ml).

These events will take place all throughout this week (18th – 22nd January) for students in Shift A and all throughout the following week (25th – 29th January) for students in Shift B.

Those who are interested in buying a bag of fresh oranges are kindly asked to bring a cloth bag from home. Alternatively, we can provide a large heavy-duty cloth bag for an additional cost of €2. These were knitted for us by a lovely group of ladies* at Craft & Coffee for Charity, who spent their summer knitting around 80 reusable cloth bags from recycled material and then donating them to us.





The sale of freshly squeezed orange juice will also be held during break time. Students must bring their own cup (reusable and not glass). Please note:

  • Single-use plastic cups and/or straws are strictly forbidden.
  • All money collected will be passed on to the Jesuit Community to help families in need.

NOTE: *As compensation for the reusable shopping bags provided by the Craft & Coffee for Charity, the EkoSkola team will be organizing a collection of unused/unwanted yarn/wool for Craft & Coffee for Charity. The donated yarn will be hand-worked into lovely gifts for cancer patients. We invite you to bring the yarn in paper bags, and leave it at the office of Ms Sasha Borg.

Thank you to all for your support and contributions!

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Communications Officer - St Aloysius College Malta

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