Red Chair and Book Week at our Primary School

Mar 25, 2022



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Uniting Red Chair & Book Week 

This past week, our Primary School organised a variety of activities which combined the Educate Magis’ Global Red Chair Project, launched in 2017, and the SDG4 (the right to quality education and global citizenship).

Our Primary School’s Student Council prepared the interactive video (see below) to help the whole school focus on the value and uniqueness of, as well as the joy and excitement that is contained in books. It highlights the right to read and write.

‘Siġġu Aħmar‘ is an original activity prepared by Ms Christabel and Ms Amanda for the Prep 4 students, in honour of Red Chair Week.
Watch the video below to discover what it’s all about (text for reference included in video description).

In honour of World Book Day, a book sale was also organised in the Primary School’s staff room. It is bursting at the seams with an exciting collection of colourful and interesting books for our young readers!

Many a project were also organised in honour of the Red Chair campaign. Below are some photos of Ms Hannah and Ms Nicoletta’s class activity:

Click here for more photos spanning a variety of Red Chair and Book Week activities

Ms Sarah, Ms Abigail, and Ms Miriam (Prep 1) organised a Red Chair Day activity dedicated to all those children who are not able to go to school for one reason or another.

We believe that all children have the right to learn, grow and ask questions. May there be peace and harmony all around the world!

Learn more: Red-Chair-Activity-P1SD

Watch the video featuring a heart-warming performance by Prep 1SD below:


Check out the collection of original stories written by our students and gathered into this unique storybook:

Red Chair Story Book 2022

Well done to all our students and staff!


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