This is the Christmas message by the St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ. You can watch the message delivered on video in Maltese here or by following the link below. ----------------------- Dear members of staff, students and parents, During these special...
Niftakru f’Oliver Friggieri fil-Jum Nazzjonali ta’ Luttu
Latest news stories
Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Education
St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ, has been formally appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education. Fr Bartolo will commence this new role at the beginning of January 2026, thereby continuing the mission that has been...
The Mediterranean College of Sport inaugurated; St Aloysius College Sports Complex project completed
A journey that has been years in the making, reached a climax on Thursday with the inauguration of the Mediterranean College of Sport (MCS) and the marking of the end of the St Aloysius Sports Complex project of which the new school forms part of. The school was...
Foundation Day 2024 at St Aloysius College
On October 8, St Aloysius College celebrated Foundation Day: 117 years of mission and service! This year the "men and women for others" award, which is the highest award given by College, was posthumously presented to Dr Victor Calvagna. Dr Calvagna was a pediatric...
UPDATE: Sixth Form Booklists now available
** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT Advanced Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-advanced-level-nopricing...
Rank order for Sixth Form applicants published
Please find the rank order of all applicants into Sixth Form for 2024. Find the rank order for Aloysians and Staff here. Find the rank order for Other Applicants here. The list is presented in reference number sequence and not according to course. The waiting list...
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed. No further applications will be accepted. We will keep you posted once the rank order is published.
Online registration for sixth form opens between 26 – 28 August
The Online Registrations for St Aloysius Sixth Form will be available online between Monday 26 August and Wednesday 28 August till noon. No applications will be accepted after the closing date and time. For further information you can phone 22793358 or...
Students work on booklet with vegan recipes
The Ekoskola initiative encourages meat-free meals at least once a week, aiming to promote sustainability and environmental awareness among our school community. The demand of meat is associated with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water...
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, visits St Aloysius College
Friday 10 May will be remembered as a very special day in our college calendar as Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, paid a visit to our three schools. Fr Sosa started his full day visit at our Primary School where he was welcomed with a...
Illum qed jiġi osservat jum ta’ luttu nazzjonali minħabba li se jsir funeral mill-Istat tal-Professur Oliver Friggieri.
Magħruf u maħbub kemm bħala awtur kif ukoll bħala ħassieb u għalliem, il-Professur Friggieri għadda għexieren ta’ snin minn ħajtu jeduka lill-istudenti tiegħu bħala lettur fid-Dipartiment tal-Malti, fejn serva wkoll bħala Kap tad-Dipartiment u Professur tal-Letteratura.
F’isem il-Kulleġġ San Alwiġi u d-Dipartiment tal-Malti tal-Iskola Sekondarja, is-Sur Keith Scicluna jaqsam memorja personali magħna:
Meta kont qed nistudja fil-kors tal-Baċellerat tal-Edukazzjoni fl-Universita’ ta’ Malti bejn l-2008 u l-2012, kelli diversi lekċers mal-Professur Friggieri, ħafna minnhom dwar il-letteratura Maltija. Profs Friggieri kien jgħix għal-letteratura Maltija u l-imħabba tiegħu għaliha konna ngħixuha miegħu aħna l-istudenti tiegħu. Mhux darba jew tnejn li kien ikompli d-diskussjoni dwar dan b’mod privat, speċjalment magħna l-istudenti tal-B.Ed, meta kien jistieden xi wħud minna fl-uffiċċju tiegħu u kien jagħtina pariri ta’ kif għandna nwasslu l-letteratura lill-istudenti fil-klassi la darba nkunu għalliema. Żgur li kienu pariri li għadna ngħożżuhom u nipprattikawhom illum il-ġurnata fil-klassijiet tagħna . Memorja tiegħu huma wkoll id-diversi kotba li kien jgħaddilna u jiffirmalna b’xi messaġġ sempliċi iżda partikolari, li llum jiena ngħożż fil-librerija tiegħi.
Nagħlqu b’waħda mill-iżjed poeżiji famużi u sbieħ tiegħu: Jekk, magħrufa wkoll bħala l-poeżija tal-bus shelters
Jekk tifhem x’jgħidu l-kwiekeb
lill-qamar tul il-lej’,
jekk tagħraf minn fejn telaq
is-sħab, fejn sejjer, fej’,
jekk tirfes kull mogħdija
u tterraq kullimkien,
jekk tkellem lil kull ħlejqa
li tikber fil-ħolqien,
jekk togħdos fl-ibħra kollha
u tmiss qiegħ l-oċean,
jekk titla’ kull muntanja
u titfi kull vulkan,
jekk tifhem lil kull siġra
u tkellem lil kull fjur,
jekk torqod ma’ kull dudu
u tqum ma’ kull għasfur,
jekk tgħodd in-numri kollha
u taf kull alfabett,
jekk tħott kull teorema
u żżarma kull kunċett,
jekk togħxa b’kull tbissima
u tokrob b’kull uġigħ,
jekk toftoq il-kliem kollu
u ssib is-sens li fih,
jekk taf kif kien il-bidu
u kif se jkun it-tmiem,
jekk taf kull fuq, kull isfel,
kull wara, kull quddiem,
jekk taf għaliex kull għabex
iżelleġ kull żerniq,
jekk taf kemm hija twila,
kemm twila, twila t-triq,
jekk taf għaliex l-iżbalji,
u taf x’inhu perfett,
jekk taf għax serp jitkaxkar
u għax itir farfett,
jekk ittawwalt iżżejjed
fuq xifer il-ġibjun
tal-qalb biex issa ttella’
bis-satal x’hemm midfun,
jekk il-maltemp sikkittu
u lill-irjieħ raqqadt,
jekk l-ilmijiet nixxifthom
u lin-nirien qabbadt,
jekk fhimt kull mistoqsija
u jekk kull ħalfa ħlift,
u jekk kull rebħa rbaħtha
u jekk kull telfa tlift,
– il-petali tal-warda
waqgħulek minn idejk,
dan l-univers itektek
inqasam hemm, f’riġlejk.
Il-ħajja mistoqsija
miġbura f’elf għaliex,
u ssirlek poeżija
jekk int ma tweġibhiex.
Grazzi u strieħ fis-sliem, Prof Friggieri!
Bringing you all the latest College news and updates!
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Latest news stories
Watch: Christmas message by St Aloysius College Rector
This is the Christmas message by the St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ. You can watch the message delivered on video in Maltese here or by following the link below. ----------------------- Dear members of staff, students and parents, During these special...
Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Education
St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ, has been formally appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education. Fr Bartolo will commence this new role at the beginning of January 2026, thereby continuing the mission that has been...
The Mediterranean College of Sport inaugurated; St Aloysius College Sports Complex project completed
A journey that has been years in the making, reached a climax on Thursday with the inauguration of the Mediterranean College of Sport (MCS) and the marking of the end of the St Aloysius Sports Complex project of which the new school forms part of. The school was...
Foundation Day 2024 at St Aloysius College
On October 8, St Aloysius College celebrated Foundation Day: 117 years of mission and service! This year the "men and women for others" award, which is the highest award given by College, was posthumously presented to Dr Victor Calvagna. Dr Calvagna was a pediatric...
UPDATE: Sixth Form Booklists now available
** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT Advanced Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-advanced-level-nopricing...
Rank order for Sixth Form applicants published
Please find the rank order of all applicants into Sixth Form for 2024. Find the rank order for Aloysians and Staff here. Find the rank order for Other Applicants here. The list is presented in reference number sequence and not according to course. The waiting list...
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed. No further applications will be accepted. We will keep you posted once the rank order is published.
Online registration for sixth form opens between 26 – 28 August
The Online Registrations for St Aloysius Sixth Form will be available online between Monday 26 August and Wednesday 28 August till noon. No applications will be accepted after the closing date and time. For further information you can phone 22793358 or...
Students work on booklet with vegan recipes
The Ekoskola initiative encourages meat-free meals at least once a week, aiming to promote sustainability and environmental awareness among our school community. The demand of meat is associated with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water...
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, visits St Aloysius College
Friday 10 May will be remembered as a very special day in our college calendar as Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, paid a visit to our three schools. Fr Sosa started his full day visit at our Primary School where he was welcomed with a...
Watch: Christmas message by St Aloysius College Rector
This is the Christmas message by the St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ. You can watch the message delivered on video in Maltese here or by following the link below....
Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Education
St Aloysius College Rector, Fr Jimmy Bartolo SJ, has been formally appointed as Worldwide Secretary for Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education. Fr Bartolo will commence this new role at the beginning...