Meet our new Sixth Form Regent – Bro Alessandro Cocozza SJ

Aug 26, 2021



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We are happy to welcome Bro Alessandro Cocozza SJ to the Jesuit Community at our College! During his regency, he will be assisting at our Sixth Form’s Chaplaincy this scholastic year.

Let’s get to know him a little better…

I was born in Rome, in a normal family, expecting to have a quite normal life. But which life is completely normal? In my family, there were four of us: me, my parents and my younger brother. We’re very different.  I led quite an ordinary life until university, with friends at school, studying and reading. I enjoyed the scout movement when I was eight, and began practising karate. I’d call them the pillars of that part of my story.

During my adolescence, I used to ask myself, and sometimes even others, many questions about what you could call “great issues of humanity”, including God. As a freshman at Uni, I attended an unexpected course named “Spiritual exercises in daily life”. That was the turning point of my relationship with faith and the person of Jesus. There I met the Jesuits, and I found something attractive in that spirituality and in their efforts for the other. Then I started a challenging and adventurous discernment to become a Jesuit. I’ve done my novitiate in Genova; two years without distractions to get a deeper knowledge of myself and of my companions as well.  It was a strong contact with what is important in real life, such as human relations and the beauty of simple acts of love; an encounter with some of the consequences of following Jesus.

I took my religious vows in 2019. Then I spent two years in Rome studying philosophy, continuing my former university studies. It was an occasion to improve some of my knowledge on the edge of our capacity as human beings. Now I’m about to start a new journey in the challenging world of education, helping out at the Sixth Form’s Chaplaincy.

I’d like to live this period as an opportunity; to grow in my vocation to become a man for others and with others. In the meantime, I hope to be helpful wherever there will be the need for me. There is a lot to learn, and it will be a good challenge to discover the school world.

Welcome to our College and best of luck for this new chapter of your journey, Alessandro 🙂

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