It’s Soirée season: Legally Blonde, coming soon to our College Theatre!

Jan 21, 2022



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The much-awaited and well-loved St Aloysius College Sixth Form Soirée is back, and we are super pleased to announce that it will once again take place in our Theatre from the 10th-13th February.

The dedicated SAC Soirée Committee have given us a glimpse of what has been going on behind the scenes of this year’s exciting production, Legally Blonde.

  • What does preparing for Soirée involve?

Preparing for Soirée is no easy task. It involves preparing all the requirements needed for the production to take place. This of course involves a heavy investment, both monetary, as well as time-wise. The committee is there to make sure that Soirée gets the required funding for the show to take place. This involves the procurement of sponsors, as well as organising several fundraising events to help raise capital, while students enjoy themselves through these same events.

  • What are your individual roles and responsibilities?

Commencing this project, we all have various roles and responsibilities to increase efficiency and production. Jaime and Bradley are in charge of coordination and distribution of merchandise orders. Damian and Ella are in charge of managing the Soirée’s Social Media pages, and Mirei is the contact person when it comes to Sponsors. Together, we all work to organise creative fundraising events, which proceeds go to Soirée.

  • What makes Soirée such an important event for our students? Why is it such an essential part of the educational programme the College offers?

Soirée offers the students a chance to experience a sense of belonging within the Aloysian community. It gives each and every student the chance to participate and contribute in one way or another and, undoubtedly, the spirit it brings about within the school is impeccable! When people think of our Sixth Form, the first thing that comes to mind is certainly Soirée, and the longing for being a part of it is quite a common feeling amongst prospective students. With such an event, the College’s educational programme provides us with the chance of growing holistically rather than solely academically. It reminds us that true and holistic education goes beyond the classroom walls.

  • What have been the highlights so far? Are you facing any particular challenges?

Soirée is the whole amalgamation of the production aspect, the preparation behind the scenes and all the work that leads up to a marvellous show! So far, all activities and fundraisers held, and even during rehearsals, an amazing amount of energy was displayed by all those involved. Although one initially assumes that the current pandemic situation would taint the hype and energy of the students, the total contrary is portrayed day in day out through the determination and response received! Even though the pandemic in particular offered its fair share of challenges never faced before, the students – with the constant support of the administration – managed to face and overcome them all!

Many thanks to the SAC Soirée Committee for their commitment and input, and best of luck to all involved!


>> Click here to purchase tickets
>> The show will be running from Thursday 10th February to Sunday 13th February starting at 7.30 pm. Doors open at 6.30 pm.
>> Entrance to the theatre will be strictly on presentation of a valid Covid certificate according to protocol.



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