YRE International Competition: Work by our Secondary School Participants

Apr 18, 2023



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Four Secondary School students are participating in the Young Reporters for the Environment international competition. 

The highlight of the 2022/2023 competition is Environmental Pollution, with the assessment criteria divided into five categories: Format & Structure, Honest & Unbiased Reporting, Constructive & Well-Rounded Perspective, Originality & Independence, and Dissemination.

Best of luck to our participants!

  • Adonai Deidun (Form 1) wrote an article ‘Building a Bridge Too Far?’

Click here to read the article: Building a Bridge Too Far

  • Matthias Falzon (Form 1) wrote an article ‘Changes in the Way We Travel’. 

Click here to read the article: Changes in the Way We Travel

‘During the English lesson our educators often initiate and facilitate debating discussions on national and global environmental issues.  The aim is to help us students understand the importance of the environment and how it affects us.   We are encouraged to read articles and research about some environmental topics and then we discuss them in class.  We also prepare material on the topic like presentations, charts, drawings, posters and articles to help us reflect on our role as responsible, global citizens. My interest in this topic began during one of these discussions.  I chose to write an article, and then my teacher encouraged me to participate in the YRE competition.’

  • Myron Chetcuti (Form 2) and Matteo Abela (Form 4) have created a campaigning photo, ‘What’s on the menu?’. 

More information about the photo campaign:

‘The barren-state condition of the Mediterranean subtidal rocky habitats due to the ever-reducing sea urchin density is a widespread wonder. Possibly due to overfishing of this consumable fishery resource, which locally is a delicacy. The aim of this photo creation is to raise awareness and create an opportunity to press action for the development of sustainable fishing and economy.

This photo was created as part of our work on the Blue-Med Project and SDG 14 Life Below Water. We had the opportunity to interview a couple of local fishermen and one of them remarked on the ever-reducing sea urchin density due to over-fishing from divers using scuba gear. Sea urchins fetch a high price at the local markets because they are a delicacy and a popular dish at restaurants.  To catch sea urchins from the sea floor one must dive several times and hold their breathe underwater, whereas, using scuba gear although illegal, makes the task easier.’


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