Preparing for Pope Francis’ Visit

Mar 28, 2022



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Pope Francis’ long-awaited visit is finally around the corner. The official programme of the Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Malta on the 2nd and 3rd April 2022 was previously announced by the Holy See. On Saturday, the Pope will visit Valletta, and will then go to Gozo in the afternoon. On Sunday morning he will visit Rabat and Floriana, and Ħal Far in the afternoon.

View the full programme here

Our College has also joined in the preparations. Our Primary School have put together this lovely collection of wishes, thoughts, prayers and reflections penned by our students and members of staff, which will be personally presented to Pope Francis.

Click here to read more: St Aloysius College Primary School

Featured above: Students spell out ‘AMDG’ (Ad maiorem Dei gloriam) – the Latin motto of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). This photo has been printed and will also be presented to Pope Francis along with the writings prepared above.

In honour of the Pope’s visit, Ms Daniela Camilleri Sacco, Head of our Primary School, has also recently written an interesting overview of the Pope’s life and teachings, which was published in the popular Maltese magazine Sagħtar, and produced in audio format (see below).

Read the article: Saghtar Papa Frangisku

A number of our Primary and Secondary students will also be participating in an initiative organised by the Secretariat for Catholic Education. Click here to read more.


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