The Chaplaincy at our Secondary School

The mission of the Secondary School Chaplaincy is to foster the development of the students in Christian life and values.
The Chaplaincy organizes Masses for students on a weekly basis and school Masses on special occasions such as Foundation Day, Christmas and Easter. Members of staff help with the organisation of these Masses (Singing, music, preparation of students etc)
Students are offered the opportunity and prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation once a month. Six Jesuit Fathers are involved while members of the Staff help in the preparation.
All students are given the opportunity to attend a day of recollection per class once a year. During the summer holidays a three-day retreat at Manresa House, Gozo, is also offered to students in Forms 3, 4 and 5. Jesuits and other members of the staff give their precious contribution in organizing these retreats.
Students can call on the Chaplain and the team whenever they feel the need. If the issues concerns more discipline, their studies or some personal problem they are referred to the competent departments after obtaining their consent. On the other hand, other departments and members of the staff refer students to the Chaplaincy whenever the need arises, again after they obtain the studentsโ consent.
Members of staff also avail themselves of the presence of the Chaplain whenever they feel the need (a difficulty, confession, sharing about their lives…)ย At times, parents within the community also contact the Chaplaincy when they feel the need to discuss something about their family or their childrenโs moral or Christian life.
During FestAlwigi together with the two other chaplaincies created a Prayer Zone which was visited by a considerable number of people.
Chaplaincy organizes hikes and live-ins in order to help students make friends develop their appreciation of nature, and share in adventures. Members of Staff join in to help with these ventures.
Over the holidays, Chaplaincy organizes voluntary work mostly in old peopleโs homes. The Chaplain, members of staff and some parents accompany the students.
During staff meetings and in parentsโ meetings, the Chaplaincy is always allotted a time to invest with the ongoing Ignatian formation of staff and parents.
Fr Paul Zammit, the Chaplain is also a member of the SMT and attends the weekly meeting with Fr Rector.

Keep up-to-date with our Chaplaincy's initiatives
From LIFE workshops to retreats and EYM activities, the variety of activities and programmes organised by our Chaplaincy are shared on our Facebook page.