BRIDGES OF PEACE: Chaplaincy Week 2023

May 23, 2023



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Friends in the Lord, We Care Week, Ignatius 500… what do these titles have in common?

Every year, the Chaplaincy Team at St Aloysius College Primary School organises a special week of reflection, action and celebration centred around the annual Ignatian theme. During this special week, ‘Bridges of Peace’ were built by our students and staff, reinforcing the College Community’s Ignatian identity of ‘men and women with and for others’.

From visiting the elderly in their homes and religious houses, and the terminally ill, to greeting people in the streets and public gardens, our students passed on messages of peace wherever they went, bringing much joy:

‘One of our classes visited Casa Antonia to entertain the elderly and help them reflect on today’s feast of St George Preca. The joy on the faces of old and young alike, and that ‘come again I’ll read you many books or I’ll play football with you’ were the sign of another bridge of peace.’

– Mr Anthony Mifsud, Primary School Chaplain

They also received a personal message of peace from Bjorn Formosa:

‘”Grazzi ħafna ta’ l-inizjattiva tagħkom. Tgħinux lili biss!”
Kliem Bjorn b rispons għal ġabra sabiħa fil-Cake Sale u l kartolini li ppreparaw għar-residenti f’ 
DAR Bjorn.
It-tfal semgħu b’attenzjoni kliem Bjorn bil-messaġġ tiegħu għall-paċi personali:
“Iktar kemm tikbru iktar se ssibu ostakli, imma minkejja kollox taqtgħu qalbkom qatt.”

To wrap up this memorable week, staff, students, and their parents/guardians participated in the formation of the ‘Bridges of Peace’ logo, and a photo was captured by drone. A joyful dance was performed by members of staff to the tune of an original track titled ‘Messengers of Peace’, sung by Ira Losco.

Watch the video below:

Well done to all!


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