** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT Advanced Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-advanced-level-nopricing...
AMDG: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Ħajja Skolastika ġewwa l-Iskola Sekondarja
Latest news stories
Rank order for Sixth Form applicants published
Please find the rank order of all applicants into Sixth Form for 2024. Find the rank order for Aloysians and Staff here. Find the rank order for Other Applicants here. The list is presented in reference number sequence and not according to course. The waiting list...
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed. No further applications will be accepted. We will keep you posted once the rank order is published.
Online registration for sixth form opens between 26 – 28 August
The Online Registrations for St Aloysius Sixth Form will be available online between Monday 26 August and Wednesday 28 August till noon. No applications will be accepted after the closing date and time. For further information you can phone 22793358 or...
Students work on booklet with vegan recipes
The Ekoskola initiative encourages meat-free meals at least once a week, aiming to promote sustainability and environmental awareness among our school community. The demand of meat is associated with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water...
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, visits St Aloysius College
Friday 10 May will be remembered as a very special day in our college calendar as Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, paid a visit to our three schools. Fr Sosa started his full day visit at our Primary School where he was welcomed with a...
Watch: Easter Message by College Rector Fr. Jimmy Bartolo sj
This is the Easter message by the St.Aloysius College Rector Fr Jimmy Bartolo, sj. Dear students, educators, parents/guardians, This year we are hearing about Fr Pedro Arrupe, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who, fifty years ago, created the motto for...
Rainwater recovery facility launched at St.Aloysius College
The GEO-INF Rainwater Recovery Facility at St Aloysius College was inaugurated by Atlas Insurance this week. The installation, designed by Ing. Marco Cremona with the purpose of diverting rainwater from the roofs of school buildings directly to the water table...
Indigenous trees planted as part of sport complex project
As the St Aloysius Sports Complex project is approaching the end later on this year, a short but significant ceremony was held at the Park tal-Majjistral organized jointly by St Aloysius College and the Vassallo Group in which a number of indigenous trees were...
Watch: Christmas message by Rector Fr Jimmy Bartolo sj
This is the Christmas message by Fr Jimmy Bartolo sj, Rector of St Aloysius College. This is the message in full: Dear members of staff, students and parents, We are, once again, at the end of our first scholastic term and preparing ourselves for the celebration of...
Nhar it-Tnejn 6 ta’ Marzu u t-Tlieta 7 ta’ Marzu, ġew organizzati erbgħa sessjonijiet taċ-ċelebrazzjoni speċjali AMDG għall-istudenti tas-snin 3 – 5 (li kienu fis-snin 1 – 4 is-sena skolastika li għaddiet). Il-programm kien jinkludi varjeta’ ta’ mużika, zfin, diskorsi, vidjows, u preżentazzjoni ta’ ċertifikati għall-aspett ko-kurrikulari, pastorali, u akkademiku.
Fid-diskors ta’ merħba, ir-Rettur Patri Jimmy Bartolo sj semma kif ‘AMDG’, għall-aktar Glorja ta’ Alla, hija frażi li Sant’Injazju, il-fundatur tal-Ġiżwiti kien iħobb juża fil-kitbiet l-iktar importanti tiegħu. Kompla billi jferraħ lill-istudenti għall-kisbiet tagħkom fit-tagħlim ta’ suġġetti differenti, kif ukoll ta’ ħiliet differenti.
Tenna li t-tema li qed niffukaw fuqha din is-sena hija Bridges of Peace, u kif d-dinja bħalissa għandna bżonn il-paċi iktar minn qatt qabel. Issuġġerixxa tliet azzjonijiet biex naħdmu għall-paċi:
- Tgħallem aċċetta lil min hu differenti minnek.
- Tpattix lil min jagħmillek id-deni.
- Tolleranza żero għal kull forma ta’ bullying.
Id-diskorsi tal-għeluq saru mill-mistieden speċjali – ir-Reverendu Patrick Magro sj – li kien Rettur tal-Kulleġġ għal 10 snin u bħalissa jinsab fil-kariga ta’ Chaplain fl-Universita’ ta’ Malta.
Awguri lill-istudenti kollha tagħna u prosit lil kull min kien involut f’din l-okkażjoni tant sabiħa!
Segwi l-live stream fuq il-YouTube:
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Latest news stories
UPDATE: Sixth Form Booklists now available
** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT Advanced Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-advanced-level-nopricing...
Rank order for Sixth Form applicants published
Please find the rank order of all applicants into Sixth Form for 2024. Find the rank order for Aloysians and Staff here. Find the rank order for Other Applicants here. The list is presented in reference number sequence and not according to course. The waiting list...
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed
Applications for Sixth Form are now officially closed. No further applications will be accepted. We will keep you posted once the rank order is published.
Online registration for sixth form opens between 26 – 28 August
The Online Registrations for St Aloysius Sixth Form will be available online between Monday 26 August and Wednesday 28 August till noon. No applications will be accepted after the closing date and time. For further information you can phone 22793358 or...
Students work on booklet with vegan recipes
The Ekoskola initiative encourages meat-free meals at least once a week, aiming to promote sustainability and environmental awareness among our school community. The demand of meat is associated with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water...
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, visits St Aloysius College
Friday 10 May will be remembered as a very special day in our college calendar as Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, paid a visit to our three schools. Fr Sosa started his full day visit at our Primary School where he was welcomed with a...
Watch: Easter Message by College Rector Fr. Jimmy Bartolo sj
This is the Easter message by the St.Aloysius College Rector Fr Jimmy Bartolo, sj. Dear students, educators, parents/guardians, This year we are hearing about Fr Pedro Arrupe, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who, fifty years ago, created the motto for...
Rainwater recovery facility launched at St.Aloysius College
The GEO-INF Rainwater Recovery Facility at St Aloysius College was inaugurated by Atlas Insurance this week. The installation, designed by Ing. Marco Cremona with the purpose of diverting rainwater from the roofs of school buildings directly to the water table...
Indigenous trees planted as part of sport complex project
As the St Aloysius Sports Complex project is approaching the end later on this year, a short but significant ceremony was held at the Park tal-Majjistral organized jointly by St Aloysius College and the Vassallo Group in which a number of indigenous trees were...
Watch: Christmas message by Rector Fr Jimmy Bartolo sj
This is the Christmas message by Fr Jimmy Bartolo sj, Rector of St Aloysius College. This is the message in full: Dear members of staff, students and parents, We are, once again, at the end of our first scholastic term and preparing ourselves for the celebration of...
UPDATE: Sixth Form Booklists now available
** Attention all Sixth Form students ** The 2024-2025 booklists are now available! Check out the links below: Intermediate Level 2024/2025-st-aloysius-college-intermediate-level-nopricing ALOSF INT...
Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, visits St Aloysius College
Friday 10 May will be remembered as a very special day in our college calendar as Rev. Fr Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, paid a visit to our three schools. Fr Sosa started...